Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pop quiz!

you are lightsteelblue

Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.

Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quiz

Friday, November 02, 2007

One of those days

Ever have one of those days where you can't get out of your own way? Yeah today is that day for me. I had the day off and lofty expectations of crafting and cleaning. Just wasn't happening. The seam ripper and I were good friends today and then I decided that we needed a break from each other.

It's a shame because last weekend I spent my time ironing this pretty pile o' fabric:

And this pretty pile o' fat quarters:

Ahhh another day my lovelies.....

Friday, October 26, 2007

Crafty and Caffeinated... need I say more?

Okay, maybe I do need to say more. I guess I should at least introduce myself a little before the whole allure of blogging wears off and another blog goes into the abandoned pile. Yeah, I commit serial bloggercide. But wait -- positivity people!! This one's gonna stick! Really how can it go wrong, it's named after two of my favorite things?

If I could sum myself up, I would say... I love coffee, I'm a New Englander born and raised, and I like to do crafty things. I live with two beagles, two cats, and a very patient husband.

To say that I am crafty is a bit of a stretch, but I try to be. Sometimes I think I like buying craft supplies more than using them. Mainly I scrapbook and sew (or buy supplies to do either). The sewing is a very new thing that my very patient mother-in-law is teaching me. She sells sewing machines and my very patient husband bought one for me for our anniversary. Awww. My mother never taught me to sew because she doesn't like to. She knows how, just wants no part of it. She never taught me to cook either, so I'm quite undomestic (but I can stack wood and hay should the need arise).

So I'm not very good at sewing yet. I really have no idea what compels me to want to blog about what could potentially be some unfortunate sewing projects. Like the one placemat I finished on Monday.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I made this

Yes, yes I did! It is adapted from the book Bend The Rules Sewing by Amy Karol. I've only been sewing since around mid-September so I am quite pleased with this.


The instructions in the book are for a much smaller bag. I didn't figure that out until I did it and came out with a small bag. But it was great practice and I got familiar enough with the steps to make this larger bag.